Improve your skills in the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language

Training course for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language that want to improve, broaden and refresh their knowledge and skills in teaching the Spanish language and culture.

Who it is for: Native or non-native Spanish teachers who currently teach Spanish as a foreign language outside of Spain.

Cursos para Profesores de ELE

If this technique is that which teachers use until we become professors, at CEI we want to help you to continue growing and to continue feeling the enthusiasm to teach Spanish using new skills and resources.

Teaching is exciting. That is why we have designed these courses for you that deal with different aspects of teaching Spanish with a reflective and experience-based approach.

The instructive design of the course combines a balance of practical training in order to arrive at the theory, and from theory as a practical exercise. Learning is always a subjective experience set in concrete conditions. Therefore, from the first day, our vision of teaching the Spanish language is supported by and gives specific attention to the use of different teaching materials, both physical and digital. This is an applied course with which to foster your own learning-by-discovery using audio-visual, online, games, audio and printed resources.

We know that you are your own best teacher, that is why we personalize our attention and adjust to your needs and interests at all times.

Scholarships: Erasmus+ scholarship. Our PIC number: 942940687 | OID: E10073173


  • El sistema modal en español: indicativo y subjuntivo, tipología de oraciones y reglas que las gobiernan.
  • Ser y estar: Nos alejaremos de reglas cerradas que durante años se han venido dando en las clases de ELE y que en muchos casos no se ajustan a la realidad Reglas generadas por una tradición académica significativa, que nos impiden que veamos cómo funciona realmente nuestra lengua.
  • Misterios y enigmas en la clase de ELE: ¿Quién ha sido? ¿Dónde está? ¿Cómo lo hizo y por qué? En este taller os convertiréis en auténticos detectives y tendréis que responder a Estas y otras preguntas. Se plantearán diversos s enigmas que deberéis resolver a través del hallazgo de diferentes pistas en escenarios cotidianos. Todo ello nos servirá para aprender vocabulario, gramática y cultura.
  • Por y para y verbos con cambio de significado según cambie la preposición: La adquisición de diferentes preposiciones en estudiantes extranjeros es siempre un punto conflictivo dentro del aula Presentaremos una propuesta que se aleja de la enseñanza tradicional de los valores y usos de las preposiciones, y en la que prevalecerá la aproximación cognitiva y pragmática.
  • Jugando con los pronombres: La simple presencia de un pronombre puede provocar graves cambios en el significado de una frase En este taller se trabajará con los verbos más importantes que cambian de significado si llevan o no pronombre, presentando una propuesta que se aleja de la enseñanza tradicional en los usos de los pronombres y en la que prevalecerá la aproximación cognitiva y pragmática.
  • El componente lúdico en el aula: El juego es considerado un elemento esencial en las estrategias de potenciación del aprendizaje, ayuda al aprendiente, de una manera motivadora, a resolver sus dudas y a afrontar las situaciones posteriores con la tranquilidad de haberlas vivido previamente. En esta clase daremos a conocer diferentes herramientas lúdicas para trabajar contenidos léxicos y culturales con adolescentes. Evaluaremos la aplicación de los juegos didácticos en el aula y dotaremos a los profesores de juegos y herramientas útiles para gamificar nuestras aulas.
  • El componente cultural en el aula: Es que es algo fundamental ya que implica la extensión del espacio educativo a otros contextos en que el alumno puede afianzar, reforzar y adquirir no solo su conocimiento más formal de la lengua española sino también sus habilidades lingüístico-comunicativas a la vez que facilita, a veces, un cambio hacia actitudes más positivas sobre qué conlleva aprender una segunda lengua, hacia nuestros valores, normas y conductas como comunidad de habla nativa, hacia nuestros objetos y demás contenidos de la cultura material, además de servir como instrumento para mejorar la calidad de las relaciones profesor-alumno y alumno-alumno.
Practical Information
  • Content:
    1st week: 20 theoretical lessons + 10 hours of autonomous work. Need to bring a computer to carry out the tasks
    2nd week: 13 theoretical lessons + 2 culture and literature workshops + 5 practical sessions
  • Duration: 1 week or 2 weeks
  • Levels: Spanish natives, B2-C2

Prices for the Training course for spanish Teachers

  Number of lessons 1 week 2 weeks
Group 30 per week 380 € 695 €
Individual (all year round) 10+5 practical sessions 365 € -

If you are a teacher abroad, you will be interested in this special offer:
Teaching course + Congress for only €430

Starting Dates 2025

  • 27 Jan**; 14 Jul; 28 Jul; 20 Oct

» Individual and semi-individual courses can be started all the year round. For more information please contact us.
» There is the possibility of opening a new date for a minimum of 4 participants. For more information please contact us.

Read more about our Spanish for Spanish Teachers course

The instructive design has its main focus on interaction with the vision of the classroom as a space for learning together. A place in which to work with the identity and integrity of the Spanish teacher on three levels: the cognitive dimension, emotional dimension and the physical dimension. The theoretical principles and practical experience guarantee the teacher to be update with all the knowledge applied to the Spanish teaching classrooms that is needed within the European, transnational and intercultural context and in line with the educational sector in the 21st century.
  • To jointly discuss and reflect on the guidelines and recommendations proposed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching Assessment, from the point of view of the different educational realities of each teacher and/or teaching centre.
  • To provide the teachers of Spanish as a foreign language with the necessary resources required in their daily language teaching work.
  • To introduce the participants to the latest developments in the field of teaching Spanish, current Spanish literature, and the methodological and didactic aids in the teaching/learning of Spanish.
  • To propose different approaches for the development and use of the methods and teaching resources discussed previously on the course.
The course design deals with theoretical and practical aspects of teaching language in general and in particular Spanish, paying special attention to the interdisciplinary relationship of different sciences and their confluence in the profession of teaching, through the use of diverse didactic materials , in both digital and in more traditional formats.

This course is based on group learning and the stimulation of the classroom so that the participants experience the same procedures that they can then transfer to their students. In CEI, you will not only be able to catch up on the use and mastery of the most current methodological tendencies in the teaching of Spanish and the different skills that the Spanish teacher needs, but you will also equip yourself with the needed resources and strategies. You will be able to exchange ideas with other participants to improve your level of knowledge of both the language and its methodology.

We will stay in touch with course participants through the Internet and email, resolving any doubts that may arise, advising on various aspects of the teaching of Spanish, evaluating materials and sharing experiences.
On finishing the course, the student will receive a Cervantes Escuela Internacional certificate and final feedback from the course teacher..
Have an official university degree and have at least a B2 level in Spanish.


* Required Field


Anne-Laure Sanchez Lacombe

Anne-Laure Sanchez Lacombe
Training course Teacher ELE

"Coming to Malaga has been an unforgettable experience. First, because the city is very nice and especially because the course was very interesting. I will return to France with concrete elements (games) to give my classes. Exchanging with other professors from different countries is also very interesting."

Elena Dolzhich

Elena Dolzhich, Spanish teacher in Moscow
Training course Teacher ELE

"Among several language centers I have chosen the Cervantes School International because first I saw on their website a course intended for teachers and second I have always had clear and accurate information whatever I asked for, just from the first moment I put me in contact with the administration of the school. The staff is very attentive and willing to help you whenever. There are organized many activities that help you to deepen your knowledge about the history and the culture of Spain. The course that was offered to me covered the topics I had indicated in the previous questionnaire. The apartment corresponds in everything that was agreed before. The course taught by Patricia was interesting. She puts a special focus on linguistic and grammatical issues. And so it was interesting the course taught by Manuel who explains the use of audiovisual materials and pictures in the lessons. I would recommend this training course for teachers who are interested in further training in their profession."

Elzbieta Wyszynska

Elzbieta Wyszynska, Spanish teacher in Sweden
Training course Teacher ELE

"The course has been really interesting. I learned a lot of things regarding the use of Internet in class. In class I learned many things by playing game in Spanish, which has proved to be a very good way of learning a new language.
Furthermore, we went through the grammar again, which was particularly good for me as I learned more about some specific issues that were difficult for me in Spanish.

Narcis Mihail Amariei

Narcis Mihail Amariei, Spanish teacher in Romania
Training course Teacher ELE

"I liked that the teachers were really prepared to work new techniques with teachers. The activities were exactly what I expected.

It was a really good course, from the point of view of the time dedicated to make exercises and also to the theory content.
I loved the interactive methods of teaching that for sure I will use in my Spanish lesson in Rumania."

Marta Sukenikova, Spanish teacher in Czech
Training course Teacher ELE

Marta Sukenikova

"Malaga is a wonderful city located in the south of Andalusia that is really interesting. Cervantes Escuela Internacional makes possible attend to the lessons and at the same time enjoy the sun, the sea and the beach because is located really close to the beach. Also you can take lunch and enjoy the sea views because the beach is located few minutes from the school. The school offers many courses and levels and the teachers have a huge experience teaching Spanish to students of all around the world. It is also possible find other ELE teachers and because of this I chose a course for teachers and  learn more about how to teach this language.
The school also offers activities during the evenings and you can visit places outside Malaga that make more interesting your time in Málaga.
To those who are interested in learn Spanish I fully recommend Cervantes Escuela Internacional."

Francis Atemo

Francis Atemo, Kenya
Training course Teacher ELE & Super Intensive

"Soy Francis Atemo de nacionalidad keniana. Trabajo en la escuela Internacional de Kenya como profesor de español y cada verano me gusta ir a España para hacer cursos de formación de profesores de español como lengua extranjera. Este verano fui a la escuela Cervantes para formarme y tuve una buena experiencia. La escuela está bien ubicada y te ofrece la oportunidad de conocer a otros profesores de español tanto nativos como extranjeros. Intercambian ideas entre ellos y nos enseñan nuevos cambios y metodologías actualizadas en la enseñanza de español, tomando mucho en cuenta las necesidades de los profesores que hacen el curso en sus centros de enseñanza. Me ha sido de gran ayuda y con toda seguridad recomiendo la Escuela Cervantes a todos!!!".

Debra Betts

Debra Betts, Spanish teacher in Texas, USA
Training course Teacher ELE

"Me ha encantado el curso de profesores porque ha sido una buena mezcla de gramática, cultura y vocabulario, en un sitio muy histórico y con buen clima. También, la profesora ha sido buenísima".

Jennifer González, Spanish teacher in Texas, USA
Training course Teacher ELE

Jennifer González

"Mi experiencia aquí ha sido fantástica. He aprendido un montón de gramática, la historia de España y la de la ciudad de Málaga".