Online Booking

To register now, fill out the form and press "Enrol Now". All required fields are marked with an *asterisk. You will see your booking summary on the left (for desktop) or on the page bottom (if you connect from mobile).

Course selection

We only need a level estimation. The first day of the course begins with an oral and written test. If you are a A0 (beginner or absolute beginner) you will start directly in a A1 group.
Number of lessons per week in brackets.
* Courses starts every Monday.


Your accommodation will be available on the Sunday prior to the start of your course and must be vacated on the Saturday following the end of your course. An extra fee is charged for extra days. 3 or more extra days will amount to the cost of another week.
Select "None" if you will find the accommodation by yourself.

Airport Transfer

We provide an Airport Transfer service to meet you at the airport and assist you in getting to your accommodation.

Booking Summary

Service: € (EUR)

Extra class:
Airport Transfer:
Enrolment fee:
Total price (€):